Assets management system at medical centers
Gathering, processing and data analysis are a basic tasks in COMPANY MANAGEMENT.
Way of gathering information and tools used are only a matter of amount of data and range.
CASE ANALYTICS is a universal tool that allows gathering and data presentation
in adequate for each branch “dashbords”, graphs, maps and tables for supporting decision making on management level.
Consists form:
- Business Intelligence (BI) style software to create reports, analysis, indicators, simulations and forms.
- Data warehouse.
- Module for importing data from it’s source.
- Module for generating templates for electronical forms.
- Module for managing report deadlines.
1. Creating new models and forms to gather the data allows for quick reaction on changing needs considering forms and type of gathered data.
2. Choosing right form of presenting data (reports, graphs, maps, lists) emphasizes tendencies in observed characteristics.
3. Possibility to create reminders about upcoming deadlines for report enables users to prepare them in time and allows admins to automatically generate information that shows up in reports.
4. Option to analyze historic data helps to observe tendencies and course of data in time, and what comes with it making decisions that are adequate to the result.
5. CASE ANALYTICS has in standard 40 ready to use models and forms from areas: financial analytics of a company, personnel, organizational changes, plan and realization of sales contract, lists of infrastructure of equipment, etc, that can be use immediately without the need to build own.
6. Possibility of communication through web service and sending data in XML structure ensures possibility of integration with every modern IT system on the marke.
7. Application of modern functions like „track and drop”, carving data helps the users with current work on preparing lists and reports. And allows for quick receiving of nonstandard lists.